With over 20 years of experience, Stacey combines regulatory knowledge with extensive industry experience to provide guidance for achieving and maintaining compliance.
920-967-6091 | scroghan@jjkeller.com
Core Competencies
Accident and injury investigation and root cause analysis
Behavior-based safety program development
Construction safety
EHS compliance assessments and audits
EHS training & curriculum development
EPA RCRA hazardous waste
Incident and accident prevention
Industrial safety & hygiene training and/or monitoring
Job safety analysis
Risk assessment
Safety metrics and injury analysis
Certified Industrial Hygienist
Certified Safety Professional
OSHA 500 (OSHA 10 and 30 for Construction Instructor)
Professional Education/Experience
Master of Science in Public Health (Industrial Hygiene focus), Johns Hopkins University (2013)
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Auburn University (1996)
Labyrinth Solutions, LLC (2017-2024), Booz Allen Hamilton (2010-2017), Total Environmental Concepts (2007-2010).
Croghan Environmental (2003-2007), Environmental (2001-2003), Millar Wilson Laboratory (1998-2001)